Free Advice on Letting Property in Bridgwater and the area

Free Advice on Letting Property in Bridgwater and the area

Free Advice on Letting Property in Bridgwater and the area - Charles Dickens Estate Agents

Letting your property with
Charles Dickens

We are regularly asked about our Property Management Department with regards to the letting of properties and also the management thereof. As a brief synopsis therefore we have outlined below the services we provide.

We basically run a two tier system, in as much that we know that a number of our landlord clients want to manage and look after the running of the tenancy themselves, once a suitable tenant has been found. As such therefore:

Level 1 - Finding a Tenant

Once we have visited the property and carried out an initial inspection, we will not only advise on the proposed rental to be asked for the property, but also point out any items which we feel ought to be attended to before the tenancy commences.

It is important to remember at this stage that if the property is provided with any gas appliances, ie fires, convector heaters, central heating boilers etc., they must be inspected and pass a gas safety check after which a gas safety certificate can be issued. This is a legal requirement with a copy of the document having to be given to the new tenant at the commencement of the tenancy. In addition at the present time if following the inspection it is felt that the electrical wiring system could be suspect an electrical report must also be provided.

Once we have confirmed a rental level and the length of the tenancy proposed, we will prepare letting particulars of the property and make arrangements to mailshot existing potential tenants and also to advertise the property. We will also ascertain whether the landlord will only entertain private tenants or if housing benefit will be accepted. Also will pets be considered and any other individual requirements the owner may specify. We will then show over any prospective applicants who conform with the criteria imposed for the property and notify any interest to the landlord.

When a prospective tenant is found who would like to take the tenancy, we will take up references as required by the landlord but mainly, if applicable.

  1. Employers reference,
  2. Previous landlords reference,
  3. Character reference.

Once we have received these we will discuss the matter with the landlord for them to decide whether they would be happy for the applicant to take the tenancy. In some cases landlords also wish to meet the applicant themselves to make their own judgements.

If the applicant is accepted then a start date for the tenancy will be determined and we will draw up the legal tenancy documentation. Two copies of this document are prepared with both being signed by the tenants and the landlords (or ourselves on behalf of the landlord) and once the applicable deposit monies and advance rental is paid we will release the keys for the tenancy to commence on the pre-determined start date. We will also carry out an Inventory and Schedule of condition report of the property, which will be given to the tenant on commencement of the tenancy for approval and signature to confirm it validity. We will then in due course forward the rent. If the landlord wishes to manage the tenancy himself we will also forward on any relevant details,together with the appropriate Deposit monies which must then be placed into a recognised Deposit Protection Scheme.


If we have been asked to manage the tenancy the deposit will be forwarded to the Deposit Protection Service for holding until the Tenancy finishes at which time it will be returnable to the tenant providing the property has been well maintained and not damaged. We will collect on the landlords behalf the rental monthly and forward this (or pay into any accounts if required) together with a rental statement. We will make arrangements to inspect the property periodically to ensure that it is being tenanted correctly. We will also deal with any day to day running problems. Should there be any items of repair needed at any stage we will notify the landlord to obtain permission for the works to be carried out and also make arrangements to get quotes for the work if required.

Should there be any problems which arise that may need immediate attention to prevent further deterioration e.g. leaking water, gas leaks etc. we will deal with it on the assumption that we have designated authority from the landlord and then notify you as soon as possible.

To terminate a tenancy at the end of its period the landlord needs to give 2 months notice of this intention, to be served on the applicant on or before the anniversary date of the commencement of the tenancy. Likewise the tenant needs to give one months notice. During this period the agent will have the right to remarket the property if so required on behalf of the landlord.After the property has been vacated, we will inspect the property and report accordingly If we feel that there are problems then we will notify yourselves for you to also inspect if required and get quotes for any necessary repair works. Before the deposit will be refunded by the DPS to the tenant, both the Landlord and Tenant will need to sign to the effect that it can be returned. If there is a dispute then the DPS, in accordance with the ADR will resolve any issues and decide on how much and to whom the deposit will be refunded to.We hope the above gives an insight into our Services but should you require any further details then please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the matter further.


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